Some people in schools are suffering from name-calling and negativity, what we want to reduce that here in this community is to make people welcomed and happy so they can have a great experience just like we do; plus, people shouldn’t be treated like garbage and be shamed or abused. What you should do if you’re in that situation is just ignore them or stand up for yourself, and when you stand up for yourself that doesn’t make you oversensitive; it makes you feel confident and that takes guts too. Another thing the problem isn’t you at all; it’s them that started this drama. Also don’t say the wrong things or do the wrong things because people might be appalled depending on what you said or did and that would make the situation worse.

A few people might be bystanders, and a bystander is someone who sees somebody getting bullied, and they don’t want to do anything about it. But there are some reasons; they don’t want to get themselves involved in someone else’s shoes or bad stuff might happen, or they’re afraid that they might hurt someone’s feelings, or maybe that would remind them of their past when that happened to them when they were very young or from recent times they experienced in their life, or they might get themselves hurt physically. In this case, we’re not sure what they might do or say, so be prepared for what’s coming to you, and you may never know.
Also, there could be some reasons why someone is being rude to a particular person because they could be going through personal issues, or they’re mad at

someone that did something to them recently or in the past and one thing that isn’t right is taking your anger out on others it just makes things worse and what if they start a big controversy on each other that would also make things worse for you and this particular person, so if you know someone that’s going through things please just talk to them to simply give them comfort and empathy; also for those who are going through stuff just that everyone should know everything going to be okay and don’t let that change who you are in the inside and just keep being yourself.
So what we want to reduce is talking through it on what’s going on in their life and showing what bullying is exactly too, but tattling doesn’t really solve anything and the reason why this is a red flag, it’s because it could create misdirection, friends might stop trusting you, and it can start arguments and could make others upset. Also if you always come to the adults for the littlest, people will see you as someone who just wants to get others in trouble; therefore that could lead to more problems. There are some ways to solve it on your own, like if someone is being unfair. Try talking to them first, like you could tell them, “Hey that’s not fair.” If they refuse to listen then that would be the time to tell an adult. You should only tell someone if they’re getting seriously hurt verbally, or if they’re being bullied, or something very dangerous is happening and if someone is in very serious trouble and needs help. Also before you go on and be a snitch just think to yourself, if you’re really helping or if you just want to get someone in trouble and if it’s a small problem just figure it out yourself. But if someone is in serious danger or they really need somebody’s help, well that’s when you have the right to go tell an adult. Learning when to tell and when to let go helps everyone get along better. Another thing people just wants to be treated with respect and kindness here, and a few of us shouldn’t be arrogant and selfish to each other because it’s just not right and we don’t want to be ignorant either. So think before you act and be considerate to your peers. Another thing is a way to make friends is to be a friend.
Another thing this has been going on for years and it’s became a huge problem in our society. A few things that are the point of it could cause some mental health, anxiety or depression and self hatred and what we need to do is make schools a safe place to make people feel glad, cared and appreciated for who they are and plus, when people have different personalities from others people might like it and some people might not. But when you do have a great personality that means you’re charismatic or having charisma, and charisma is when you have a great personality and that’s a compelling charm that is a fascinating enthusiasm to others around you and including your peers too. So we should work together to build a supportive community where everyone feels valued, and where kindness is the norm rather than the exception.
Isley • Feb 7, 2025 at 3:14 pm
You are spitting facts. New Way should be the real no place for hate. Instead of the place of hate.