Recently, my dear and caring mother took the initiative to get us both genetic tests. What we found out is that we both have a genetic mutation that is surprisingly common among people with ADHD, Depression, Anxiety, and Autism. The genetic mutation is known as MTHFR. So first, MTHFR: what is this thing?
Our bodies require an abundant vitamin called folate. Folate is found in almost all natural foods. It is essential for human growth and development. The problem? MTHFR gene mutation prohibits our bodies from producing the enzyme necessary to process folate into the usable compound, methylfolate. This causes a variety of problems affecting serotonin and dopamine which are extremely important variables that affect ADHD, Autism, and Anxiety.
So if you have MTHFR, your body cannot process the essential vitamin folate, which leads to worsening behavioral and mood disorders. Oh, and one thing I forgot to mention, 44% of people have this.

To make things worse; big brands that produce wheat, cereal, rice, bread, and corn drench their products with folate (in an attempt to provide nutritional value), but this ends up backfiring on people with MTHFR because the overload of folate in the body that cannot be processed leads to high internal toxicity. On top of this, MTHFR also makes you more susceptible to heavy metal toxicity as well.
So, how do we fix this?
First Step
Get genticgenie and 23andme test
STOP eating processed foods that are high in folate
START eating organic whole foods
START supplementing with B vitamins (you will find the personalized supplement info in your tests)
23&Me: https://www.23andme.com/
Gentic Geneie Tool: https://geneticgenie.org/