Alessandro Biascioli
Pride for the LGBTQ+ Community
Around the world, there are many young adults and teenagers with different orientations that are being discriminated

against in an unreasonable way, and what we want to do to prevent it from happening around the world is be supportive, show awareness, and put up campaigns too. A few people in our community like to keep their orientations private to themselves for many specific reasons like maybe they are worried about what the people are going to say or how they are going to react and maybe how they think about this or what their family will think.
A few people might not understand the LGBTQ+ community, or it could be against their religion so they can’t really support it; for some of you who don’t know what it stands for, well it stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer. The reason why the plus is important is because there are identities that aren’t listed or known for, and for some people that are new to the community as well. Some religions aren’t against it, but some are, and it could be religious beliefs, or they quite don’t know what is exactly in their perspective. Christianity sort of supports the campaign because a couple of churches allow the same gender to have marriages, but a few are forbidden to support the campaign, and I’m not going to be pointing fingers at the religions btw. You’re probably wondering how this all started to become a huge thing well it all began back in Greenwich Village, New York, on June 27, 1969 the community had enough of the years they were being discriminated against by the cops, the LGBTQ+ citizens were being arrested by the NYPD’s incursion on gay bars rose up and began protesting.

Thousands took to the streets for the days and weeks that followed, which led community organizations to be formed globally, and then the very first Gay Pride marched to mark the rebellion one year later and this was the beginning of the modern LGBTQ+ Rights Movement and later on, many events, festivals, and parades of the community was becoming very supportive and enjoyable; it’s still going on til’ this day, and it always will be; also you should always respect peoples pronouns and the reason why it’s important is that it would make people realize and show that people want to be called by this specific pronoun by their choice; also showing respect and embracing on what gender they identify, and please always help someone you know that’s going through depression, lethal thoughts, and self-hatred.
At New Way Academy we accept anyone who is a part of the LGBTQ+ community, and we want them to feel safe and supported here, also we want to show them we care here in this community too; another thing we don’t want to ask here is any personal questions or else it would seem unwelcoming to them, and it would be uncomfortable for them to talk about in their perspective too. So always make sure to say the positive things that are going on and don’t make them feel ashamed because here at New Way we always want students and adults to feel welcomed and happy; another thing we should not judge anyone that is different here either. So if you have a friend or family member that is different, please give them the best support you can and make them loved and respected too.
There was an activist who was involved in the uprising and outspoken in advocating for gay rights back at the end of the 1960s and her name was Marsha P. Johnson (1945-1992), but her birth name was Malcolm Michaels Jr. She was

an American gay liberation activist who self-identified as a drag queen. She was trying to help people who are a part of the LGBTQ+ community to have civil rights to specific things they should have like getting a job, having shelter, trade goods, and marriage too. Nowadays, people are still fighting for their pride till this day to show that they have the right; another thing that people should know is that if someone or someone you know is standing up for their rights for the LGBTQ+ community or any other organization their part of, then they are considered an activist.
A fun fact is the guy who played Mister Rogers in Mister Roger’s Neighborhood many years back he came out that he was bisexual and responded with this; “well, I must be right smack in the middle. Because I have found women attractive, and I have found men attractive.” So what he is saying is that he is bisexual.
The community still faces discrimination, and a lot of hateful comments, and they are under attack by Legislators. A Legislator is someone who makes laws and restrictions, also they’re a member of a Legislative body, and a Legislative body is a group of people that make, change, or repeal laws. Also, at New Way, Ms Woster mentioned that growing as a member of the community can make it hard for them to come out to the public, and they might be afraid of being mistreated and judged.

In a lot of TV shows, movies, and books it’s important to have LGBTQ+ characters in a storyline because it shows people that they have a happy normal life as LGBTQ+ citizens, and it also represents that they are not alone either and there are people like them that apart from the community as well; also to support for you, care for you, stand up for you and love you too.
So one thing that is most important to reduce bullying or discrimination is that we should do is to have a positive role model and teach or have conversations about it with adults and kids on what or what is not respectful of what we say or do. What people should know is that they are innocent people and that they’re just living a normal life, and they’re being mistreated for who they are, it still happens, and it’s very heartbreaking, so please leave them be and be accepting of those that you have known for years; also at New Way Ms Calvert mentioned this is that people are just people and that means they’re humans like us who just want to enjoy their life just like we do.
There is a show on Netflix that shows awareness for the community called Queer Eye and what’s important about this show is they became icons, and they highlighted the topic of being gay, Bi, lesbian, trans, ace, and nonbinary, and so they can capture their audiences to listen and see that’s perfectly okay to be gay.